The Present - It really is a Present!

Present is nothing but this moment, unbiased, unsolicited, neutral and fully spiritual. For it signifies the NOW, HERE where all time stands still and you are just there. But how easy to think of being here in the NOW and how difficult it is, right? Yes, indeed...we are pulled and pushed or rather tossed by the vagaries of the mind; which knows no NOW, and only runs to the past and the future which is its nature.
 It reminds me of the reason for this, as stated by A renowned Dr. at a Yoga Therapy institute called SVYASA (Bangalore), where I stayed some time ago for treatment, She said:

"Speed & Greed are the two reasons for suffering and misery in today's world."

She precisely indicated that the mind is the entity, which uses these attributes for fueling further misery. And that results in all kinds of psychosomatic diseases associated with stress in today's city life. :)

I saw a beautiful Malayalam movie today on TV, which I'd seen before. But, had not paid attention to the dialogue at the end of the movie relating to this article. Today it so happened that as I was in the middle of this blog, I was called for lunch by my wife. As was watching the movie, got lost in it for the beautiful messages it was delivering all through out. At the climax of the movie, one of the actresses who embarks on travel is questioned by a foreigner as to how can she be so detached in life shaving her head and wandering. To this the actress says - "I'm not detached, i just love my life. I've not regrets of the past and no anxiety for the future, because I just Love the PRESENT!"

Maybe it was a coincidence for me to remember the truth again.

So, let me quote few quotes from the famous Eckhart Tolle who is the author of POWER OF NOW:

“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.” 
― Eckhart TolleThe Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

“Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed. The more you are focused on time—past and future—the more you miss the Now, the most precious thing there is.” 
― Eckhart TolleThe Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

“As soon as you honor the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and ease. When you act out the present-moment awareness, whatever you do becomes imbued with a sense of quality, care, and love - even the most simple action.” 
― Eckhart TolleThe Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

So, all the above talk of the same supreme truth, but then it always is an eluding phenomenon we succeed only few times consciously, not owing to our not wanting it, but the illusory spell of the mind we are under.
So, truly her says that -
“It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living.” 

Now how to go about it in a simple way? Maybe the below can help-

The Present Principle is a 7-step model for getting our days off to a better start. It’s a model which can be used to better hack our mornings, and I hope it will inspire you to build a better morning routine that sets you up for success. Here’s how it works:
(I start my days with a cup of tea in hand, and a quick prayer of guidance, thanks, and direction. if prayer isn’t your thing, then just take a moment to PAUSE. take in life, and breath out your woes)
(After prayer, my mornings start with reading. A bible, a devotional, and a a bit of motivating reading are my tools of choice.)
(Following time in reading and prayer, I express my own thoughts. Use a journal, a post-it, and put pen to paper to share your thoughts and expressions.)
(Check in your day, and scan your week at large. I spend 5-10 minutes doing both in this time.)
(Moving is key. Even if it doesn’t happen in the morning, getting in exercise of some sort into your day is essential to be happy, healthy, and grounded.)
(Do one thing today that truly nourishes you. Take a bath. Read a novel. Play with a baby. Do it for you.)
(How did you do? How many of the seven steps were you able to complete today? Can you do better tomorrow?)

SO -

“Your outer journey may contain a million steps; your inner journey only has one: the step you are taking right now.”



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