Blind Man

If we are aware we'd know that, both the body and mind are constantly arising and ceasing, conditions are in a state of constant turmoil. The reason we can't see this in line with the truth is because we keep believing the untrue. It's like being guided by a blind man. How can we travel with him in safety? A blind man will only lead us into forests and thickets. How could he lead us to safety when he can't see? In the same way, our mind is deluded by conditions, creating suffering in the search for happiness, creating difficulty in the search for ease. Such a mind can have only difficulty and suffering. In reality we want to get rid of suffering and difficulty, but instead we create those very things. All we can do is complain. We create bad causes and the reason we do is because we don't know the truth of appearances and conditions and try to cling to them.
Happiness is the eternal destination of human beings, but it is something material; which is not there when you seek it. But, as I remember a quote "Happiness comes in the most unsought of times".
As it is something very material, if something is there or some conditions/situations are as expected we are happy, otherwise we're in dumps. When a man can seek a state beyond happiness and sorrow, then only can he be truly free.


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