What is Twitter doing today?

I know what we’ve been doing in the last few days, using new tools: Tweetscan -SE for Twitter posts in real-time and Twhirl, desktop client for Twitter that enables you to post from this platform to multiple micro-blogging services: Twitter, Jaiku and Pownce. You might be interested in the following mashups, tools, applications, resources that could facilitate your everyday twittering:

- Quotably, makes conversations easier to follow.

-TwitterLocal, another desktop Adobe Air application that lets you to view tweets in your area (city, state, post.code, range of miles and search)

-Twixxer, enables you sharing photos and videos using Greasemonkey script.

-TweetStats, you can graph your Twitter status by hour, month, timeline. Service is a bit slow, usually three people waiting before getting your stats, and you can get amused with proverbs on patience. ah.

-GroupTweet, the concept reminds on google groups but this is micro twitter community made for sending private messages between you and specific group of your friends.

-12seconds.tv, short (12 sec.) video updates with your Twitter friends, for now in alpha version.

-multitweet.com, web based service - Twitter and Jaiku at one page.

-Twitsig, converts your tweets into images. Didn’t try this one.

Also, check out, via, the definitive list of the top Twitter clients and for Serbian readers there’s pioneering article (in Serbian) on micro blogging and Twitter can be read and seen in April ed.of PC press magazine.


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