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5 Reasons Why Everyone Needs a Tongue Scraper

What is Tongue Scraping? Jihwa Prakshalana, or the Ayurvedic self-care ritual known as tongue scraping, is an an oral hygiene practice that removes bacteria, food debris, fungi, toxins, and dead cells from the surface of the tongue. 5 reasons YOU should scrape your tongue 1. Halitosis is horrible. Bad breath can have a negative impact on a person’s life, relationships, and self-esteem. Given that most bad breath comes from the bacteria at the back of the tongue (an area that's difficult to reach with a toothbrush), clinical studies have shown that tongue scraping significantly reduces and removes oral bacteria from the crevices of all areas the tongue. 2. You want to experience the flavors of your food. Proper digestion begins with taste and salivation. If you don't take steps to remove toxic mucus on the tongue, your taste buds can become blocked. This may lead to false cravings or an inability to recognize the taste of food. Removing build-up from the surface of y...

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